Introduction to making charts with datawrapper

Chris Knox

04 July, 2021


Datawrapper is widely used by journalists, and was created by journalists, to

Enrich your stories with charts, maps, and tables.

  • It’s free (there is a paid plan but it targets larger organisations)
  • It provides well designed and sensible defaults making it easy to create a good-looking chart
  • Charts will continue online is you close your account
  • Fantastic blog - well worth reading to get you started thinking about what makes a good chart

Datawrapper has been seen in the wild in the New Zealand Herald, Stuff, RNZ, Newsroom, and The Spinoff. So it’s a useful skill to have in the New Zealand market.

(Yes I know these examples are slightly misleading - exactly why is left as an exercise for the reader)

Get some data

Go to Figure.NZ and search for Teenage fertility and go to this page

A line graph of the teenage fertility rate in New Zealand from 1962 until 2020. It is highest in 1972 and then drops dramatically until the mid-1980s after which it moves up and down a but generally falls

Remember the /data.csv trick - convert the url to

Get the data to Datawrapper

  • You can just upload - or even copy-paste - your data into Datawrapper
  • But Figure.NZ + /data.csv lets us use Datawrapper’s Link external dataset feature

Screenshot of linking a Figure.NZ dataset into Datawrapper

Check & Describe

  • Click through to the Check & Describe tab

The Check & Describe tab is often where things go wrong

But the easiest way to see if they are correct is just to carry on

Screenshot of Datawrapper's Check & Describe tab showing the teenage fertility data from Figure.NZ

  • As the prompt says make sure your dates are green and your numbers are blue


Screenshot of a broken line chart in Datawrapper. Extra data has been included in the plot.

Head back to Check & Describe and look for columns called Cell X and Cell Y

Screen of Datawrapper Check & Describe tab showing additional Figure.NZ metadata

The Datawrapper extract includes some meta-data to keep track of where the data came from. Hide those columns.

Screenshot of Datawrapper Check & Describe showing how to hide columns

And head back to the Visualize tab


That looks more like it

Screenshot of Figure.NZ teenage fertility chart reproduced in Datawrapper

Writing time

  • Getting the data into a chart is only the beginning
  • There are things to play with the improve the visual appearance of your chart
    • Or to make it worse or misleading
  • But focus on your words first
    • Why should readers look at this chart?
    • What story is the chart telling?

Start with the alt text

Screenshot of title and text annotations in Datawrapper

The finished product