Datawrapper is widely used by journalists, and was created by journalists, to
Enrich your stories with charts, maps, and tables.
Datawrapper has been seen in the wild in the New Zealand Herald, Stuff, RNZ, Newsroom, and The Spinoff. So it’s a useful skill to have in the New Zealand market.
(Yes I know these examples are slightly misleading - exactly why is left as an exercise for the reader)
Go to Figure.NZ and search for Teenage fertility
and go to this page
Remember the /data.csv
trick - convert the url to
lets us use Datawrapper’s Link external dataset
featureThe Check & Describe
tab is often where things go wrong
But the easiest way to see if they are correct is just to carry on
Head back to Check & Describe
and look for columns called Cell X
and Cell Y
The Datawrapper extract includes some meta-data to keep track of where the data came from. Hide those columns.
And head back to the Visualize
That looks more like it
Start with the alt text