But what does winning look like under MMP/a system that creates coalitions?
Our 2017 visualisations didn’t do enough to make it explicit that although National had the most votes it didn’t mean they automatically formed a government.
Let’s create a coalition builder
There was no coalition builder
We started on it but based on the polls took a gamble and decided not to build it.
Hot Take
MMP makes for (mostly) boring election visualisations
All you need is this
(This is probably a sign of a good electoral system)
We did discuss creating more of a visualisation but it was decided that what
most readers wanted to see first was just how each party was doing.
The Electoral Commission doesn’t want us to connect thousands of readers to their servers
Server load
We need to support hundreds of thousands of readers and then essentially nothing
We also want to minimise our bandwidth bill
I reckon the only (sensible) way to do this is push everything to a CDN
Code runs on a server and converts XML into JSON and CSV and then writes this to AWS S3 buckets
Data is served from S3 via a CDN
Large data files are cached (for a month)
this stops readers downloading files they already have
this reduces the cost of S3 -> CDN transfers
Small files are not cached
A small index file is used to point to the latest results
Client-side code downloaded these files every 30 seconds (until midnight)
Aside: Choice of programming language
7pm on election night is very stressful
Haskell is fast(ish)
The Electoral Commision also provides high quality DTD files along with their XML files
Using Haskell and the DTD files it is relatively easy to encapsulate the entire state of the system in code so that all possible scenarios are handled
This isn’t true of Python
Designing Election Visualisations
New Zealand Electoral geography is a pain
New Zealand Electorates are designed to each contain roughly the same population
Lots of New Zealand is sparsely populated
Historically rural electorates have voted differently to urban ones
2017 Electorate Results National’s 41 versus Labour’s 29
Each electorate has the same population so each electorate should take the same area on a map
Hexes or Squares
Hex based tilemaps are quite common for election results and have been used well in the UK and Germany
Chris McDowell tried an NZ electorate tilemap
Chris was not happy with it.
It also won’t be great on mobile.
Squares work better for New Zealand
Especially when there are 72 electorates!
Building a Tilemap
I tried a few automatic layout approaches but:
In addition I wanted to include Māori electorates in the same make which broke many algorithms
I spent a lot of time looking at the General Electorates and Māori Elecotorates and lining up the tilemaps
And then sending the map to various people who hadn’t seen it to get first impressions
Aside: Corners for previous results
The 2020 tilemap was an evolution of our 2017 ones
Interestingly it wasn’t until we incorporated the corner triangles that showed the previous result that
readers got really enthusistic about the tilemap
Other Features: Zoom and Support
Regional Zoom
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Who’s in and Who’s Out?
Prior to the election it seemed likely that their would be a big change in who’s in parliament
We wanted to make easy to get from the numbers to who was actually in parliament - which isn’t always straight-forward under MMP
Keith Ng
Visualisation Implementation
Small components and tilemap implemented in Svelte
Who’s in who’s out and detailled parliament implement in D3